Friday, June 12, 2009

Cat in a Pot?

Don't ask.

You want to ask, anyway? Oh. Well. Then I guess I'll have to tell you why this cat is in this pot, right? *sigh*

Okay. Well, she climbed into the pot in an attempt to get away from the dog. Dog-cat chases are... frequent... at our house. Don't worry - he didn't get her, since she was within the garden fence. Which makes you wonder why she got into the pot in the first place... :)

This one's the BEST!!

"Meeeeee-ow. She says I've got to tell you that we... er, that is, she and them... want you to come back again soon. Meow."


Caroline said...

Haha, the one with the foot up is completely hilarious, I love it!

Thanks for stopping by my blog, I hope to "see" you again soon.

xoxo Caroline

David G. and Family said...

Wow, how did you get the cat to sit still in the pot?

We must be quick to take a photo with our mice because they move quickly.