This is steer wrestling... see if you can catch the steer without a rope!! Not something your average person wishes to try. The guy who won got the steer down in about 6 seconds!! As you can see... the team rides out with the steer between them. The cowboy who does the wrestling jumps off his horse at a gallop and tries to wrestle the steer to the ground as soon as he can, while his partner catches his still galloping horse. Yikes.

The many wild events of a rodeo, including barrel racing, steer wrestling, bull riding, and racing.

Team roping! Boy, those little calves can

Herding the calves.

Sarah is dying to learn how to barrel race now! Frankly, most of us girls are... after seeing those daring cowgirls.

And... the little cowgirl says "Howdy, and thanks for coming,
ya'll! Come back soon!!!"
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