Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sunshine, Sunshine

Today is the last day of January. One would think I'd have something amazing and striking to say... but, alas, I find myself at a loss for words. It's already the end of the first month of 2009!?! Can you believe that? Well, anyway - it's nice and sunny here - almost having a heat wave of high 30s!! (a rare thing in winter - when the average during the day feels like about 15.) And it's "nice an' sunny!!" (another rare thing.) And for those of you who lived with us in Florida, California, and Guam, you'll know we love the sun! (and for those of you who lived with us everywhere else, you'll recall that we longed for sunshine!)
Here are a few pictures for you too see today. Hope you enjoy them, and have a great day!!
Love from all the Ps...

Pine needles - and a mountain in the distance.

Rosy cheeks!

Smile-y face!

The sun coming around the corner of the barn. I do not appreciate sun in my eyes, but I thought this time it wanted it's picture taken. I don't know about that little sun spot in the photo - It kind of ruins the effect. Ü

1 comment:

David G. and Family said...

The sun in that photo reminds me of God on His throne in Revelation Chapter 4.