Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Roberta and Hannah in Nebraska

Re-posted from Hannah's blog. =) Yes, if you follow my blog, you'll be reading the same things over and over. If you wish.
This will be a looonnnng post. Just so you know. =) But it sure was one fun, fun, fun week! Filled with giggles, pictures, girl fun, adventures, bible reading, music, pink, chick flicks, and late nights. And chocolate!!
I met Lindsay five years ago, when both our families lived in Newport, Rhode Island. Lindsay is totally fun, kind, gracious, and oh-so-sweet. Little 12-year-old me was just fascinated by big, grown-up Lindsay. Who was only two years older than me. =) In the five years I've known her, that wonderful friendship has only grown better!! Her family came to see us last summer, and, since we'd all had so much fun, Lindsay invited me and my older sister, Roberta, out to see her this summer.
Not much changed between last summer and a few weeks ago. I grew up a little, in between being barely 16 to 17 and a half. =) Just a little, though. I'm pretty much as tall as Lindsay - and a good two inches taller than Roberta! (okay, fine. an inch and a half.) But our friendship has stayed the same - only more fabulous, if that were possible! I came home afterwards, and there's no denying that I was saying, "That was one of the most fun weeks I've ever had!"
The K family and my family are practically related now that we've shared all those great moments... as well as goofy moments... embarrassing moments... bad hair moments... But you know what? I think that made it SO much more real! It's one thing to email and write someone for four years. It takes your friendship to a whole new level when they let you share their life for a week! So that week really was the "funnest" ever. I loved the whole thing. Thank you so much for the awesome time, Lindsay!! I love you so much!!

Lindsay and Roberta were the ones that got me hooked on big sunglasses in the first place. Evidenced by this picture.

We went looking/shopping at Village Pointe, a lovely little kind-of outdoor mall, if you will. We did actually buy a few things...

Yeah, I know that I'm posting a picture of the gorgeous flowers. No, I'm not crazy, I'm just a photographer.

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