Tuesday, September 14, 2010

We wanted a picture on this bench, so I went up to a lady who had just finished taking her daughter's picture on said bench and asked, very politely, if she would take ours. She said sure, so I handed her my camera. I think the thing freaked her out! She said, "Whoa, are you sure you want me to use this thing?" (haha, what's a camera for?) I guess she'd never laid eyes on a dslr before, since mine is of the smaller sort and she thought it was big. Thank you, anyway, ma'am... whoever you are!

The zoo is such a marvellous place to see a lot of God's creation - and I think we saw it all! Except snakes. Right, Lindsay?

Oh, and they had a lovely aquarium. The penguins are SO cute!!

I think this picture is out of order... well, anyway. The escalator at the mall had a nice mirror on the side... prime for a self-portrait including all of us.

The Joslyn Art Museum was a lot of fun! Bummer that they wouldn't let you take pictures inside the exhibits, because I especially loved their gallery of "Landscapes from the Age of Impressionism." It was awesome. What was really funny was that all of us girls were drawn to the same sort of landscape - the ones that included the ocean! There's a beach girl in all of us....

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