Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Okay, I'm going to throw a random self-portrait in here. I've been feeling left out, cuz I haven't posted many pictures of me. Mostly the ones I've taken... which would be of Lindsay and Roberta. And cornfields.

It was so much fun, playing the piano with Lindsay!! We played some duets... she practiced for church (she's a church pianist, like me! fun...)... and I played some Pirates of the Caribbean for her. The Ks, the Ps, and music go waaayyy back.

One evening, as we were sitting out on the porch painting our nails, this faint double rainbow appeared! It was sooo pretty... I didn't quite capture it as gorgeous as it was.

And while we were there, Lindsay got a new computer!! It was so much fun watching her open the box, squeal in excitement, name the computer, set it up, plug it in, and pick the new settings. Oh, and by the way... Dells are the best!! (Speaking from experience, here.)

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