Monday, December 1, 2008

Celebrating Thanksgiving

Hello, family and friends!
I hope you all had an excellent Thanksgiving! We sure did. I have a couple of posts full of pictures up for you now. Hope you enjoy looking at them! And I'm sorry it's late - already December and I'm just now posting pictures of Thanksgiving! Oh, dear. :-) Better late than never... isn't that right? :-D
Just posting about Thanksgiving brings back such wonderful memories for me, and for my whole family! Such as the CA Celebration with the R family. Or visiting the O's very full house of guests in Guam, or how about a Philipino-American-Vegetarian dinner that we had the next year? (Right, G's? :-) Grammie and Pop-pop were our honored guests in FL, and the K's in Newport, and the H's the next year. And last (but not least!) last year's dessert with the other H family! Each of the memories is such a blessing, and this year gave us another memory, a big dinner at the E's with the Z's! (Hey, that rhymes! And "P's" matches, too! [and that's us, as you all know well!])
So, I hope you enjoy the pictures (as well as the captions... ;-) and that you have some great memories of your own!
I'll be posting the answer to the last Farm Question (as well as the next Farm Question!) as soon as I can get time.
Your faithful webmaster, journalist, photographer, and blogger...

As we had been invited to the "E Family's" home for Thanksgiving dinner, we had a little celebratory brunch at home on Thursday morning. I think Abby did a great job on the table setting, don't you? ;-)

The simply adorable hand-print turkey place cards that were a Thanksgiving gift to all of us from Abby.

Mom and Roberta. Isn't that a sweet picture? ;-)

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